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Fog Generator, MDG Atmosphere APS Touring (Dual)

Optional «add ons» to this items:

Fluid MDG, 4 liter
Gas, CO2 "Koldioxid" OTM-15kg, large AGA/Linde
Start Price
156 EUR


Fluid Type: MDG Neutral fluid
Warm up time: 8min
Reservoir capacity: 6.5L
Haze colour: pure white
Particle size: 0.5-0.7 microns
Total runing time: 60 hours
Fluid consumption:110ml
CO2 consumption: 0.36kg


The finest haze on the market. The perfect match for your lighting effects.

Simply put, the ATMOSPHEREAPS is the industry standard in haze generators. Choose from regular or high output models.
Extremely quiet output with the longest hanging times
Continuous or momentary haze emission
Automatic Purging System (APS) to prevent build-up and clogging
Compatible with remote control timer and DMX interface

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