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Console, ETC Congo iRFR Ipod touch

Start Price
40 EUR


ETC's iRFR application – supported by Eos®, Ion®, Element™, Congo® and Congo jr™ consoles, as well as the Eos and Ion Remote Processor Units and the Congo Light Server, can be downloaded from the iTunes store and provides touchscreen-based remote control from wherever you are in your venue. Of course, you need a closed wireless network!

Since anyone can download this software and no factory hardware is required, security controls are provided to prohibit unauthorized access to your lighting control system. The application requires iPhone software 2.0 or higher and iTunes 8.0+.

Eos/Ion software 1.7 or Element software 1.6 or higher is required for use of the iRFR on those platforms.

With the iRFR on Eos/Ion/Element, you can:
Select channels and set parameter data
Playback and edit cues
Park channels
Conduct dimmer and channel checks
Patch conventional fixtures
Manipulate color
View a Cue List Display (monitor only), with current cue, several previous and pending cues displayed
View and interact with a Playback display; controls include Go, Stop/Back and Go to Cue
Create a Console Connect List, making it easy to quickly connect to different control devices
When the iRFR is installed on an iPad, the following additional features are provided:
Note taking on a cue level, which can then be copied into an email for distribution.
Pan/Tilt Axis controller
Encoder display, allowing you to create your own encoder displays. Using Apple style navigation, move and resize controllers as needed.
With the iRFR on Congo/Congo jr, you can:
Select channels and set parameter data
Playback and edit presets
Conduct dimmer and channel checks
Patch conventional fixtures
Calibrate Scroller Rolls
With iRFR Preview (available for Eos, Ion and Element only), you can:
Monitor playback only
Follow the cue list live
See the current cue, as well as three pending cues and three completed cues
Page up and down through the cue list
Navigate to any cue list using the [list][/][cue] syntax
Store console connection profiles, just like in iRFR and with the same credentials
On iPad, you can touch the cue and type notes, which are aggregated in a separate viewing area, and can be copied to the clipboard for easy pasting into word processors or emails
Visit the ETC Product Wiki for instructions on setting up your network for use with iRFR.

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